About Me

Hello, I'm currently a part-time student for Georgia Tech's Online Master of Analytics program. I'm based in Long Beach, CA. My focus is mainly in Javascript, Python, CSS, and HTML, but have dabbled in R, Octave and STATA. My previous projects consist of building MERN stack applications, machine learning algorithms, web scraping scripts and statistical analysis. Let me know what you need. I have just the solution!

Recent Works

Airbnb Client Website

Collaborated with a group of developers to create a full stack web application for a client using Next.js, React and Chakra UI

Portfolio Tracker

Built a web application to track the progress of a user’s cryptocurrency portfolio using MERN stack, Redux and Material UI

Eventer - California

Built a MERN stack application using Redux to manage global states where users can create and attend events within California

Neural Network: Dog Breed Classifier - Python

Created and trained a convolutional neural network in Python using Tensorflow and Scikit-Learn to classify dog breeds

Neural Network: Text Message Filter - Python

Coded a neural network from the bottom-up in Python without the use of APIs to detect spam text messages

Web Scraping - R

Made a script in R to automatically scrape a website

Get In Touch

Feel free to send me a message via email!
